Sights and local attractions
Lednice-Valtice area is a paradise of historical monuments, beautiful nature and other tourist attractions. Worth visiting are not only cultural monuments of UNESCO in the Lednice-Valtice area, but also many other places in South Moravia.
Lednice-Valtice area
Lednice-Valtice area which is often called the pearl of southern Moravia combines neo-Gothic chateau of Lednice with Valtice - the capital of wine. It has an area of 283 km² and consists of areas of chateaus Lednice and Valtice and their surroundings, which consists mainly of gardens, spacious landscaped park and floodplain forests in the floodplain of the river Thaya. Liechtenstein family created around these cities the rich architectural heritage. Visit not only both chateaus - Lednice and Valtice, but also other beautiful romantic buildings and mansions which are: unique Lednice chateau greenhouse, lookout Minaret, John's Castle and more. Head out on a tour of the chateau parks on foot, by boat or horse-drawn carriage.
The whole area is interwoven with hiking trails that will lead you to almost all sights of Lednice-Valtice area. Some parts of Lednice-Valtice area are also possible to ride on bicycle on built cycling tracks, but in Lednice chateau park is entrance with bicycles prohibited. Excellent wines can be found not only in Valtice, but also by local winemakers. You can combine your wine tasting with a visit of one of the wine cellars and experience the unique atmosphere of South Moravia. Tasting of wine is ofcourse connected with good food and in the nearby restaurants there is enough of it.

Lednice chateau
Dominant of the village Lednice is chateau in english neo-gothic style with a large park. The original fortress was gradually rebuilt and its current form of representational luxurious residence the chateau reached in the years 1846-1858. The castle served as the provincial summer residence of the family of Liechtenstein. They built a splendid representative halls, saloons, dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and heating. Representational rooms to receive guests and visitors are still located on the ground floor. The first floor was intended for habitation and the second floor was inhabited by children.

Chateau greenhouse
One of the notable attractions of the park is the chateau greenhouse of impressive proportions. Its length is 92 meters, width 13 meters and height 10 meters. The basis of this technical monument is an iron frame that carries light and often glass sheets. There are countless tropical and subtropical plants that will fascinate you with not only their different colors and shapes but also with a beautiful aroma. Chateau greenhouse is also a place where you can learn to recognize some of the plants. There is also a tree, whose age is estimated at three hundred to four hundred years. Already Liechtensteins came here to relax.

The most notable romantic structure of Lednice area is undoubtedly the Minaret. About the reasons for its creation tells several legends. The only confirmed fact regarding the building of the Minaret is its architect - Joseph Hardtmuth. Construction of the Minaret was very grueling. Moving subsoil had to be reinforced by a number of wooden piles and struts and for construction was also used unusual spiral scaffold. The architect designed the Minaret in the spirit of Moorish architecture. Vast halls of the Minaret served to Liechtensteins also for storage of their collections of oriental objects.

John's castle
About four kilometers from the Lednice chateau is John's Castle also called Janohrad. To this remarkable building you can get from Lednice Castle by walk, sail in a boat or take a ride in a horse-drawn carriage. The main motive for the construction of this artificial romantic ruin was apparently desire of the Lichtensteins to own a building of similar character. The main architect of Janohrad, like at the Minaret, was Joseph Hardtmuth. Also construction of Janohrad wasn't easy. Like at the construction of Minaret it was needed to solidify movable subsoil by wooden struts. The architect however worked hard on every detail of this ruin. For example wooden staircase inside Janohrad, just like in old castles, turns to the right.

The temple of Apollo
The Temple of Apollo is the lodge dedicated to the ancient god Apollo. You can find it on the hill above the Mlýnský pond on the road that connects Lednice and Valtice. Liechtensteins has built this empire-style mansion in the early 19th century. The temple is adorned with doric columns and statues of the god Apollon. Surrounding of this romantic lodge still tempt for beautiful walks in ambient forests, bike rides, or a refreshment in the nearby Mlýnský pond. The interiors of the castle are not open to the public today. Accessible is only the lookout. Here you can have a magnificent view of the surrounding forests and lakes.

Nový dvůr
Nový dvůr is located about 3 kilometers from the Lednice and from the beginning has been used as a commercial building. The most beautiful parts of this empire farm is circular rotunda with beautifully decorated lounge. Nový dvůr was originally used for sheep farming. After the reconstruction of the building here began abundant breed of horses and cows instead of sheep. For stabling of horses serves Nový dvůr till today and therefore its interiors are inaccessible to the public.

The Three Graces
In the Lednice-Valtice area you can also find classicist semicircular colonnade with a sculpture of three Greek goddesses: Athena - the goddess of wisdom and justice, Aphrodite - the goddess of love and beauty and Artemis - the goddess of the hunt. The colonnade is decorated with twelve Ionian columns and niches in which you can see the symbolic sculptures expressing art, or science. This building is called the The Three Graces and can be found on the road between Lednice and Valtice. Its interior is closed to the public.

Rendez-Vous is ancient structure dedicated to the Roman goddess of the hunt - Diana, also called the Temple of Diana. This temple has the shape of a triumphal arch and is decorated with statues and antique motifs. Unglancable dominating feature is the elevated statue of a seated goddess Diana which symbolizes overseeing the nobility during the hunt. In the interior of the monumental temple are music and dance hall. These areas formerly served for the congregation of the nobility before hunting.

On the way from the Lednice to Valtice you can also find Belvedere castle which formerly served for breeding of birds. It has great views of the nearby town Mikulov and the relief of Palava. The interior of this castle was tuned by the extant literature in the spirit of Chinese culture. Here also used to be a statue of Chinaman, Chinese lanterns, chandelier painted with Chinese dragons, silk paintings and porcelain. But this equipment wasn't preserved and thus the interior of Belvedere castle isn't yet opened up to the public.

The Border chateau
The Border Chateau got its name thanks to its location. It is situated on the border between the Margraviate of Moravia and the Lower Austria. The proof is also a German inscription which in translation says "between Austria and Moravia". Chateau was built in the years 1816 - 1827 by John I. Josef of Liechtenstein. Previously served The Border Chateau for relaxation of the nobility in the atmosphere of the beautiful countryside and large ponds. Today visitors can find here a luxurious hotel with restaurant.

The Valtice chateau
First written mention of Valtice is preserved from the late 12th century. Just like in Lednice here also became the most important the family of Liechtenstein. From the original castle they have built majestic chateau and thus Valtice became for many years the place of residence of the Liechtenstein family. In 1996 were Valtice, as part of Lednice-Valtice area, signed on the list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage UNESCO. The dominant feature of Valtice is a beautiful baroque chateau which consists of almost hundred rooms decorated in baroque or rococo style. The Valtice chateau is also surrounded by a beautiful and vast park. Another significant monument of Valtice is the church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary. It was designed in the way that all citizens of Valtice can fit in during the service.

Pond mansion
The classicist building of the Pond mansion rises above the clear surface of Prostřední pond. The mansion is decorated with motifs of harp, floral ornaments and large French windows. It has beautiful views of the Temple of Apollo, the The Three Graces and Nový dvůr. Previously it served the nobility as a place where have been started hunts of birds and fish as well as preparation of baits. It was later inhabited by gardener who took care of the vast chateau park. It has been used for a long time primarily for science and research and today it belongs to the Mendel University. Its interiors are now used for various cultural and social events.