Massages are used for release or regeneration of stiff and painful muscles. It induces a feeling of contentment. It releases accumulated tension and improves physical and mental condition.
Classical massage - total and partial
(total 50 minutes and partial 25 minutes)
Classic massage relaxes stiff muscles, helps in regeneration after work or sport performance, creates a feeling of relaxation, helps to improve blood circulation in the muscles and ligaments, positively affects the lymphatic system, removes stress, tension and fatigue, accelerates the excretion of toxic substances, helps with migraines, alleviate sleeping difficulties.
Indication of massage (Classical, Aromatherapy):
- posttraumatic conditions
- chronic rheumatic diseases
- disorders of blood circulation and the blood vessels
- Chronic respiratory diseases
- obstipation, especially atonic type
- hemiplegia, paraplegia
- functional nervous disorders
- recovery after severe diseases
- conditions after physical exhaustion and fatigue
Classical massage is not recommended:
- immediately after meals
- with varicose veins in lower limbs
- pregnancy
- in conditions of extreme fatigue and exhaustion of the organism
- with postoperation conditions of abdominal cavity and chest (diarrhea, bleeding in the digestive tract)
- with disease affecting the skin by inflammation (septic and fungal affections), open wounds and fungus on the feet
- fever, infectious and acute inflammatory diseases
- with tumor diseases
- problems with blood clotting and hardening of the arteries
- with diseases of gallbladder and urinary tract
- in severe circulatory disorders and bleeding disorders
Tibetan massage with salt pouches
(total 50 minutes)
Tibetan massage relieves or eliminates a wide range of physical and mental problems whether they are caused by purely physical factors or even everyday stress. Stimulation of meridian energy lines very positively affects the functioning of internal organs of the body supports the lymphatic system and detoxification of the body . Application of this massage once a year leads to increase of enthusiasm for life , employability, health and longevity.
When Tibetan massage is suitable for you:
- You have a sedentary job and you have pain in neck and back
- Do you feel tired all the time even when you are sleeping enough
- Do you feel uneasy for no reason and you need to restore the lost harmony
- You sleep badly or suffer from insomnia
- Are you stressed, anxious, overstrained and in a bad mood
- You burden your body with improper lifestyle
After the massage make sure to drink enough. It helps detoxification and faster leaching of harmful substances.
Aroma massage - total and partial
(total 50 minutes and partial 25 minutes)
Aroma massage is a relaxing massage combined with the effects of ethereal oils. Aromatherapy supports the health, relieves strain and stress, strengthens the body's immunity and harmonize the body, psyche and calms in general. Ethereal oils are aromatic concentrated plant extracts. They are obtained by conventional methods, distillation and cold pressing. Some oils stimulate the body, mind, emotions and others calm. It is not recommended during leukemia, cancer of the lymph nodes, fever, suppurative skin diseases, infectious diseases.
Indian head massage
(25 minutes)
Indian head massage relieves pain, restores mobility of the neck and shoulders, alleviates eye strain, helps with migraines, supports blood circulation, supports the nervous system, stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system, removes toxic substances from the body, supports hair growth, eliminates sleep disorders and improves concentration. Indian head massage is suitable for children, adults and seniors. It is not suitable during epilepsy and nerve seizure disorders.
Ayurveda massage - total and partial
(total 50 minutes and partial 25 minutes)
Ayurveda massage performed regularly greatly relieves tension in your body and mind. It helps the digestive system, for example by regulating the solvate (gas) in the body, controls their the circulation and amount. It works with the lymphatic, blood and nervous system. Improves sexuality, removes fatigue, slows the aging process, improves skin condition and has many other positive effects on the whole organism. Ayurveda massage focuses primarily on deep tissue. Its main effect is focused on the muscular and skeletal system. In this massage we use the surfaces of both hands and fingers wide outstretched. The moves are slow and calm.
The pressure on the client's body is steady and moderate throughout the whole massage. During the massage are used cooling or heating vegetable oils, depending on the type of client. It is possible to massage the whole body or just parts - especially the back, limbs, head and face. Massage is supported with relaxing music, candle lights and is concluded with a soft swing of torso and final magnetization. Give your body a gentle flow of energy.
Breuss massage
(total 50 minutes)
Gentle energetic massage that was put into practice under the name of its creator, Rudolf Breuss. This massage increases the regeneration of intervertebral discs and helps solve a wide range of health problems. Breuss massage puts vertebrae apart (about 1-2 mm) with a gentle pull. Thereby junction receives more blood and nutrition and it accelerates metabolism and subsequent relief. It also releases tension of spinal muscles and contributes on the release of the psyche and stress.
Lava stones massage - total and partial
(total 50 minutes and partial 25 minutes)
This massage uses the properties of lava stones and special massage techniques. Lava stones holds heat well and have a strong vibrational energy. Because of these properties is massage suitable for swellings caused by excessive fluid retention in the body, removal of spinal pain, back pain and during premenstrual syndrome. It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, lymphatic system disorders, diabetes, pregnancy or viral and infectious diseases.
Chinese cupping massage
(50 minutes)
Application of warmed vacuum cups supports blood circulation in massaged part of the body. Cupping can also be applied to the joint affected with swelling and it has an excellent effect. The cups are placed on the skin with a high pressure pump which creates a vacuum which causes the formation of blood welts. With help of cups is possible to alleviate or eliminate back pain and joint pain. It also helps in the treatment of migraine, diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive problems, gout, gall bladder problems and during the treatment of an asthma attack. Furthermore the cups may reduce pain associated with menses cycle.
It is not recommended for people with varicose veins and thrombosis.
Manual lymphatic drainage, Lymfoven - mechanical lymphatic drainage of the upper or lower limbs
(50 minutes, 25 minutes)
The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system. The cells of the lymphatic system have an important role e.g. in the formation of antibodies, for the disposal of bacteria, viruses and harmful substances that are eliminated through the lymphatic vessels and nodes. Lymphatic massage is effective against cellulite, migraines, swelling. It also prevents forming of scars during acne. It enhances the immunity of the system and detoxifies it. It is not recommended during viral or bacterial disease, in vague abdominal discomfort, during venous and skin diseases and swellings caused by kidney and liver diseases.
Anti-cellulite massage with ozone wrap
Cellulite entsteht bei Fehlfunktionen des Lymph- und Blutkreislaufs. Subkutane Fettzellen, die lymphatisches System abzulenken soll, sind größer und voller von Giften. Cellulite kann sich an den Oberschenkeln, Gesäß und Armen vorfinden. Cellulite kann auch Vorbote von Krampfadern sein. Sie tritt in letzter Zeit auch bei Männern aus. Der Cellulite kann man sich efektiv mit Anti-Cellulite-Massage wehren. Diese besteht aus einer Tiefenmassage von problematischen Körperteilen (Oberschenkel und Gesäß). Nach dieser Massage werden in Haut natürliche Ozon angereicherte Feuchtigkeitscreme einmassiert. Ozon wirkt gegen Cellulite, glättet kleine Venen und Haut aus. Es hat auch entspannende und verjüngende Wirkung. Nach dem Eindringen von Ozon-Creme wird eine Drucwickel belegt, der auch gegen Cellulite wirksam ist. Wickel wird den Bauch, Gesäß und Beine im Bereich der Oberschenkel aufgetragen.
Hawaii massage LOMI - LOMI
(total 50 minutes and partial 25 minutes)
During the massage are used not only fingers and palms of the masseur but also forearm and elbow together with hot stones. Massage is suitable for the stimulation of the circulatory and lymphatic system, detoxification of the body, release of the joint connection, elimination of pain, tension and fatigue. It is not recommended during pregnancy, recent surgery, varicose veins, infectious diseases, skin diseases, burns and inflammations.
Reflexive foot massage
(25 minutes)
On the foot of each person there are many smaller and larger surfaces and points that are connected by nerve reflexes to a certain part of the body or an organ. Reflexive foot massage is applied by pressing these points. This massage is appropriate even when the body is overloaded with long-term use of drugs (allergy, long-term hormonal therapy). It can be used for all ages - infants and the very elderly, in the case of common and severe diseases, even disabled humans and the long term bedridden.
Honey massage
(50 minutes)
Honey massage has thanks to the healing power of bee honey powerful detoxifying effects, it is useful for removing stress, joint pain, reduction of cellulite, during arthritis or rheumatism, for improving blood circulation, to revitalize the body and in the fight against aging and unclean acne skin. It is not recommended for pregnant women, people with allergies to bee products, small children, while having tumors, thrombosis, skin infection or bleeding conditions caused by eg. gastric ulcers.
Procedure Availability and Reservations
For procedures availability, please call +420 515 554 171 or +420 739 523 968.
For reservations, email at or use an application form listed below.