Treatment of the musculoskeletal system
Therapeutic stay for the removal or alleviation of musculoskeletal problems, rheumatic diseases and osteoporosis is prepared for clients who suffer spinal pain of various origins, pain in joints, tendons and muscles, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine, rheumatism or chronic inflammatory joint diseases such as progressive polyarthritis and ankylosing disease.

We treat these diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- Rheumatic diseases of joints and spine (Ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis)
- Inflammation of joints during psoriasis and other inflammations in the body
- Rheumatic diseases affecting ligamentous apparatus , disease systemic lupus erythematosus osteoporosis
- Painful tendon diseases (tennis elbows, pain in the shoulder and wrist)
- Arthrosis of knee and hip (degenerative diseases inhibiting and annoying motion)
- arthrosis of shoulders, elbows and wrist inhibiting in normal daily activities
- Inflammatory and degenerative spine diseases (painful conditions of the spine)

Methods of treatment of the musculoskeletal system
In the current balneotherapy is the most important and most used the effect of iodine on the musculoskeletal system. The irritating effect of iodine leads to resorption of inflammatory foci. Thanks to the better blood supply are increased healing tendencies of inflammatory foci. Especially during joint rheumatic diseases it leads to alleviation of painful swellings in the joint capsule, slowdown of the degenerative processes of cartilages and relaxation of muscle shortened tissues. Iodine has an important role during the treatment of chronic rheumatic diseases. Iodine spa well affects on the degenerative changes in the articular cartilage in the hip and knee joints. Iodine has irreplaceable effects during the treatment of osteoporosis because iodine increases calcium level in blood and facilitates the incorporation of calcium into bone tissue.
The aim of our treatment is not only to improve joint mobility, reduce or eliminate pain (iodine and bromine has analgesic effects) and adjust muscle tension of spinal muscles but also to instruct the patient to avoid these disorders. Teach him some special exercises and modify his exercise regimen in order to help him to return to normal life if possible without difficulty and with renewed vigor.
Information about the course of treatment
Length of stay is normally 8 days / 7 nights or 15 days / 14 nights
The composition of therapeutic treatments will doctor decide according to the entry examination of the current health status of the client.
Standard starting days for cure stays are Thursday and Sunday.
Thereby we provide immediate assessment of the client's state by our doctor during the entry examination.